Liberal Dan Radio 12/25/2013: One Ducked Up Year
On the December 25th episode of Liberal Dan Radio: This is the final eposide of the year so I will review the year and go over some of the good,…
On the December 25th episode of Liberal Dan Radio: This is the final eposide of the year so I will review the year and go over some of the good,…
On this special Tuesday episode of Liberal Dan Radio: I will be going into more detail about the War on Christmas. It is a really silly thing that happens every…
On the December 4th, 2013 Episode of Liberal Dan Radio: I am back. After a month of vacation and sickness I am back and I am angry at my own…
It is frustrating being a Democrat with a Democrat controlled Senate and a Democrat President and not being able to have our President have his nominations confirmed. The Republicans have…
On the November 20th episode of Liberal Dan Radio: With me losing my heat and two vacations, it seems like this will be the only episode of LIberal Dan Radio…
I have created a new bit for the show that will be featured on Youtube. It is called Fat Man Rants. The first video in the playlist is on who…
On the October 30th episode of Liberal Dan Radio: The Baracknaphobes and the Obamascared are still going at it. In their deperate and pathetic attempts to stop the implementation of…
On the October 23, 2013 episode of Liberal Dan Radio: The simplest breakdown between the two main sides of the political spectrum is if you need more government or if…
Richard Perque is running for traffic court judge in New Orleans. A lot of my friends are supporting him. I voted for him. Oh,and there is something else unrelated to…
And so should the school that punished Erin Cox. On tonight's episode of Liberal Dan Radio I discussed the problems I have with zero tolerance polices. I used as an…