Commercial/Sponsorship Rules

Liberal Dan Radio airs at least once a week both on and on You can support the podcast by buying commercial advertising and/or sponsoring bits via the Liberal Dan Radio Patreon page.

This page will cover the rules that you must agree to in order to buy advertising on the program.

Rules about commercial content:

If a Patreon tier level includes commercial advertising, it will tell you how much commercial time is included. Commercial time purchased can be split into individual 30 second commercials or one longer commercial.

Each individual commercial purchased for the main podcast (aired on Blog Talk Radio and YouTube) will air once weekly so in a typical month, each commercial spot you buy will be aired 4 times. Holidays, illness, inclement weather, and other issues may effect the ability for a commercial to be aired on a particular week. If it is possible to make up the commercial time, I will try and do so. Commercials may air on any day of the week that the show airs. At first, the show will typically air on Wednesdays unless it needs to be rescheduled. As the show grows, more days will be added.

Commercials purchased for the “Mini-Cast” (aired on Anchor) will air twice a month. The Mini-Cast commercials can’t be split.

Any sounds must be “pod safe”, i.e. you must have the right to use the sounds in a commercial podcast.

The material may not be adult in nature.

You will provide me the commercial and it will air on the next show.

If you want me to voice the commercial, or produce it for you, it will incur an additional fee. I must agree with the content of the commercial in order for me to voice it.

 I reserve the right to not air certain topics on the show (including but not limited to anti-abortion, anti-lgbtqa, and hate speech). If you think the topic would be one that I wouldn’t agree with, contact me first.

If I agree to air a commercial on a topic that I disagree with, I reserve the right to be critical of the content.

Please contact me if you have any questions: