On the January 20, 2016 episode of Liberal Dan Radio:

Senator Bernie Sanders responds to the endorsement of Hillary Clinton by the HRC, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL by saying that his campaign is fighting the establishment. Senator/Secretary Clinton and those organizations all fired back. I will give my views on that story as well as some more commentary on why the infighting going on here could be disastrous for the election later this year.

In my debating the Cruz citizenship issue I found some more information to share on why he is eligible to run for President. Let’s beat him on the issues and not on manufactured attacks, ok?

Sarah Palin jumped into the fracas by endorsing Donald Trump for President. Is this going to make the election even more interesting? Youbetcha!

Those issues, tweet of the week, words of redneck wisdom, headlines, and more at 8pm Central on Liberal Dan Radio: Talk From The Left, That’s Right.

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