On the January 29, 2015 episode, Liberal Dan Radio goes BEAST MODE (except I promise I will have more to say on the issues than Lynch). I will discuss Lynch and his desire to not speak. Should he be expected to give a meaningful interview? Or should they require him to speak and are his responses irresponsible?
The measels outbreak at Disneyland is spreading and is causing a renewed conversation about vaccinations and the harm that anti-vaxxers beleive they cause (despite scientists and the medical community stating otherwise). I will discuss my problems with anti-vaxxers and what we should be doing about them.
The scandal surrounding rape culture in colleges, especially at the UVA, has caused some surprising responses by national sorrorities. They have banned their members from going to fraternity parties at UVA. I will discuss why this action is plainly hurtful to victims and promotes rape culture.
Marissa Alexander, the woman who was denied “Stand Your Ground” when she fired a gun in the air near her abuser has been let out of jail and instead placed on house arrest. I will revisit these laws and explain why there are two justice systems.
Those issues, headlines, tweet of the week, and more at 8pm Central on Liberal Dan Radio: Talk From The Left, That’s Right.
I still have a GoFundMe campaign that I am running, please consider a contribution if you like the podcast or want to advertise on it.