On the June 25, 2014 episode of Liberal Dan Radio:
Bobby Jindal is still up to no good, including discussing the idea of a “hostile takeover” of the US. I will continue my review of him and his leadership of the stupid party.
Front and center of the stupid party is the tea party. When Senator Cochran defeated tea party candidate Chris McDaniel in the GOP primary runoff in Mississippi, he did so by reaching out to Democrats in black communities. The response by the tea party folks is amazing and shows why they continue to have a perception problem (if not a problem in reality).
Finally, the Supreme Court made a very big ruling on privacy rights today. Even better is that the ruling was unanimously reached. I will go into that subject as well.
All those issues, headlines, tweet of the week, and more Wednesday at 8pm Central on Liberal Dan Radio: Talk From The Left, That’s Right.