On the March 5th 2014 episode of Liberal Dan Radio:
Good old Vlad Putin is at it again, this time invading the Ukraine. Of course this means the Conservatives are at it again as well. The warmonger side of the party just wants to blow everything up it can. The tea party side finds fault with everything Obama does. And some people who are sandwiched in between the establishment GOP and the Tea Party are proving themselves to be major hypocrites (beyond the normal Conservative hypocrisy).
In news related to the Ukraine, people are now hailing Palin as a genius for supposedly predicting Putin going into Ukraine. They are also suggesting that Obama is handling the situation irresponsibly by “missing” security meetings. I will go into why that is a bunch of rubbish as well.
A student in New Jersey is suing her parents to cover tuition for High School and College and for other expenses pertaining to her being dependent on her parents for support. She does seem like a spoiled brat but I will discuss why many people are missing some very important facts here and how the parents are no angels either.
I will discuss what I am giving up for Lent and discuss if the lenten season is really a sacrifice to those of use who are not land locked.
Finally, I will go over some of the shootings I have discussed from Merritt Landry to Marissa Alexander.
That, headlines, tweet of the week, words of redneck wisdom and more tonight on Liberal Dan Radio: Talk From The Left, That’s Right.