Earlier I called into The John Mason Show after a caller suggested that “if you defund the police, you will end up with everyone armed and it will be like the ‘wild west'”.
This was amazing to me. Normally, Conservatives are the people who will cite Robert Heinlein by saying “an armed society is a polite society” and encouraging everyone to own guns. They will fight for not only the right to own guns, but to carry them wherever one may go.
But all of a sudden, when they believe no police will be around*, the politeness stops and we now become the Wild West? How can this be? Have we exposed yet another hypocrisy of the right? Or is this just the same old hypocrisy coming forward in a new form?
The NRA, which is really all about gun sales and not gun ownership, didn’t stop Reagan from passing gun control legislation in California. We hardly ever see the NRA fighting for black people to own guns. Many Conservatives were silent on “stop and frisk” laws that disproportionately targeted black and latino men in the streets. What happened to their right to bear arms?
The answer is that Conservatives don’t believe that most black people should have guns. They are scared of black skin by itself, do you think they want someone with black skin holding a gun? This video is comical, but is based in this truth.
So basically, white Conservatives want to be able to own guns and carry guns, in case the police are not there. However, if the police will never be there, they are terrified of black people with guns. The “polite society” becomes the “wild west” depending on who is carrying. It’s sheer hypocrisy.
*The idea that no police will be around is clearly not a valid understanding of the movement to defund or disband the police. I will be discussing this more on the podcast this week, but you can also watch the following video (start at about minute 25 if you want to get right to that subject).